The flawed strategy of clocking out for paid lunch breaks

Published by Le-roy Staines - Mar 15, 2023

Workers eating lunch.

Many organisations implement a strategy where employees are required to clock out for paid lunch breaks, with the understanding that they often exceed their allocated time.

Consequently, the organisation must manually add back the time they should be paid for their breaks. While this approach may seem like a reasonable solution to manage break times, it is not without its flaws. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why this strategy is problematic and suggest potential mitigations to improve the overall effectiveness of break management in the workplace.

Flaws of this strategy:

  1. Inefficient time tracking:
    Manually adding back the time employees should be paid for their breaks can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This process not only increases the workload of payroll and HR staff but also requires constant monitoring to ensure accuracy.

  2. Prone to error:
    What if someone didn't have lunch, or they had less than the break? A reasonable authority might expect that if the company is deducting the exceeded breaks, then they should be awarding a bonus for those who had less than the allocated break.

  3. Inconsistent break durations:
    This strategy may inadvertently encourage employees to take longer breaks, since they know that their break time will be manually adjusted anyway. This can lead to inconsistencies in break durations, which may impact productivity and overall workplace fairness.

  4. Employee dissatisfaction:
    Employees may feel unfairly treated if they believe that their colleagues are taking longer breaks without repercussions. This can lead to dissatisfaction and potentially lower morale in the workplace.

  5. Legal compliance issues:
    Depending on the jurisdiction, labor laws may dictate specific break durations and requirements. Organisations implementing this strategy risk noncompliance with these laws, which can lead to financial penalties and reputational damage.

Potential mitigations:

  1. Use activity codes for paid breaks:
    Have employees clock into a paid break code, to simplify reporting and monitoring. Employees are still clocked in for their paid break, as entitled to be paid, and HR admins can quickly and easily get a picture of patterns that may need disciplinary action.

  2. Implement a standardized break policy:
    Create a clear, organisation-wide policy that outlines the duration and frequency of breaks. Ensure that this policy is consistently enforced and communicated to all employees. This will promote fairness and reduce the likelihood of employees taking excessive breaks.

  3. Educate employees on the importance of breaks:
    Encourage employees to take their allotted breaks to recharge, emphasizing the positive impact on their well-being and productivity. This will help foster a culture where breaks are seen as essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

  4. Monitor and manage break times:
    Regularly review break times to ensure compliance with company policy and identify any patterns of abuse. Address these issues promptly with the employees involved and consider implementing additional measures, such as disciplinary action, if necessary.

  5. Provide designated break areas:
    Create comfortable, inviting break areas that encourage employees to step away from work place during break times. This will not only improve employee well-being but also make it easier for managers to monitor break durations, as well as self-monitor their breaks as a group.

While the strategy of not recording paid lunch breaks for the purpose of managing or monitoring employees' exceeded allocated time may seem like a solution to managing break times, it is a flawed approach that can lead to inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and potential legal issues. By implementing clear policies, investing in time tracking software, educating employees, and monitoring break times, organisations can effectively manage breaks and promote a healthier and more productive work environment.

See also: Employment New Zealand: Rest and meal breaks

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Next up: What is the return (ROI) on a cloud based time clock system?

This article was published by Le-roy Staines on behalf of TimeDock Limited, New Zealand.